Small Business

Small businesses are the heart and soul of Main Street in every community across Missouri and they are the number one driver of new job creation in our nation. As a former small business owner, I know what it is like to meet a payroll. This Congress, I am proud to serve as the Vice Chair of the House Small Business Committee. In addition the full Committee, I also serve on the Health and Technology Subcommittee and the Agriculture, Energy, and Trade Subcommittee. 

The House has passed dozens of pro-growth job measures to get government out of the way. I will continue to support and push for policies that do not over regulate our nation's job creators. In the 115th Congress, I have supported measures that reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses, improve broadband access, and lower taxes for small businesses across the country. The government needs to get out of the way and let the private sector do what it does best, which is to help grow our nation's economy and put Americans back to work. 

One of the first actions of this Congress was to pass the Regulatory Accountability Act. This legislation seeks to curb burdensome regulations across every industry and business group to spur economic growth and create jobs. Included in this legislation is the Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act. This legislation specifically addresses regulations facing small businesses by requiring additional agency analysis of how a rule specifically impacts small businesses. I was proud to support the Regulatory Accountability Act when it passed the House of Representatives in January and am pleased this provision regarding small businesses was included in order to give them relief from burdensome government regulations