
Blaine's Bulletin: Importance of Farming

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There are no greater stewards of the land and animals than farmers. There is also no doubt that our farmers and ranchers are responsible for serving America as the breadbasket of the world. As a former small farmer who raised hogs and cattle to help pay my way through college and still enjoys working on my 160-acre farm, it is amazing that government today is intent on attacking what is considered a noble calling.

Luetkemeyer Receives ‘Friend of Farm Bureau’ Honor from American Farm Bureau Federation

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U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9), a farmer and small businessman, has again been honored by the American Farm Bureau Federation with the ‘Friend of Farm Bureau’ award for his efforts on behalf of hard-working American farm families. Luetkemeyer, who previously served on the House Agriculture Committee, also received the award in 2010 for his work in the last Congress.

Luetkemeyer Column- Supporting Our Farm Communities

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It was made quite clear to me during a recent visit to the Missouri State Fair in Sedalia that our farm communities are not happy with the flood of regulations that the current administration is trying to force down their throats. Whether I was visiting the hog pens or the cattle barns, folks were angry and wanted answers. One of the topics at the top of folks’ lists was the Guidance Document that the EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers released in April, 2011, that is supposed to clarify protection of waters under the Clean Water Act.

Luetkemeyer Column- Missouri's Devastating Drought

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The grass is brown and dry, the soil is cracked and even the heartiest trees on our small family farm are struggling to hold their own. It is a scene being played across much of the United States and especially in Missouri, where our farmers and ranchers are struggling to get by. Not only have I seen the devastation the drought has caused our family farm, but I have heard from so many folks out there who were faring much worse, with their livelihoods on the line.