Defense/Homeland Security

Blaine's Bulletin - Missouri’s Supply Chain Highway

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Imagine a local hardware store that’s been serving our community for generations. This family-owned business relies on a steady supply of tools, construction materials, and farming equipment that come through U.S. ports. This week, we were brought to the brink of a major supply chain disruption that would have catapulted our already fragile economy into chaos, Despite the Biden…

Blaine’s Bulletin: Missouri's Fight Against the Opioid Epidemic

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Next week the halls of the Capitol will fill back up as we return from our district work period. While I can assure you, we have a long list of priorities to finish out for the year, we face a crucial moment in our fight against a devastating crisis that has taken root in our communities: the opioid epidemic. This issue is not a distant problem; it is right here, affecting our friends,…

Chairman Blaine Luetkemeyer and Chairman John Moolenaar Introduce The PRC Risk Transparency Act

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Today – House Financial Service Subcommittee on National Security, Illicit Finance, and International Financial Institutions Chairman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) and Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party Chairman John Moolenaar (MI-02) introduced The PRC Risk Transparency Act in an effort to enhance transparency, manage risks, and ensure accountability for entities with…

Blaine’s Bulletin – Show-Me the Supply Chain, Securing Missouri's Supply Chain Future

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I bet you don’t consider where your favorite companies or brands source their products from.  Many of our favorite companies—Tech, Fashion, Auto, you name it — get their supplies from and manufacture in Communist China. The finger is constantly pointed to lower labor costs or lax business regulations. And while it’s easy to think this may not impact us immediately, a Chinese invasion…

Blaine’s Bulletin – Finances, Freedom, and Mainstreet Missouri

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During the Cold War, most Americans would be alarmed if they discovered their everyday purchases and government-backed retirement funds were financing the Soviet’s military, its strategic initiatives, and even providing employment opportunities. Unfortunately, most policymakers in Washington D.C. and business leaders across the country fail to apply this same logic when thinking about the…

Blaine’s Bulletin – Securing Our Borders

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Just last week, White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, claimed it isn’t The President’s job to secure our Southern Border. If you’re like me, you probably found this claim alarming. Sure, at face value, it’s not solely the President’s job to secure our borders. In a perfect world, the Administration works in lock step with Congress to pass legislation funding the…

Rep. Luetkemeyer on the Defense Production Act

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Chairman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-3) questioned witnesses from the Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Commerce, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as part of the Financial Services Subcommittee on National Security hearing Entitled: Mission Critical: Restoring National Security as the Focus of Defense Production Act Reauthorization, Part II. …

Rep. Luetkemeyer and Rep. Torres Introduce Fortifying U.S. Markets from Chinese Military Aggression Act

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Bipartisan legislation, introduced today by Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO) and Congressman Ritchie Torres (D-NY), would establish an advisory committee under the Financial Stability Oversight Council to develop an economic plan to mitigate the catastrophic economic fallout from potential Chinese military aggression towards Taiwan. The advisory committee, whose members would include…

Blaine's Bulletin: The Dangers of TikTok

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On February 18, 2022 Chase Nasca was a 16-year-old high school student. That morning his parents Dean and Michelle saw their child off to school expecting, like all parents do, to see their son later that afternoon. On his way home from school Chase stopped next to a train track, texted a friend “I can’t do it anymore”, then stepped in front of a train taking his own life. I have…

Blaine’s Bulletin: Fighting Against Human Trafficking

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January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Of all the issues we face as a nation and society, the kidnapping and enslaving of our fellow Americans is the gravest. Like the fentanyl crisis, it’s a phantom evil assaulting our communities. We might not notice it, but heinous crimes could be underway around us at any time. St. Louis often comes up in the news related to human trafficking…