Financial Services

Blaine's Bulletin: This Week in the House

| Posted in Columns

September is a busy time for families across Missouri. School is in full swing, sports practices, and other engagements keep families on the move. It isn’t any different for the House of Representatives – September means a full slate of committee work, meetings with constituents and organizations from Missouri, and voting on bills on the House floor.

Blaine's Bulletin: Reforming Housing Policies Across America

| Posted in Columns

There’s an old saying about laws and sausages: you don’t want to see how they are made. As somebody who raised hogs for many years, I can tell you that making sausage can be a lot more satisfying than making laws on a lot of days. So, a question that I am frequently asked is what is the trick to getting a piece of legislation signed into law? There isn’t a clear cut formula and the process can oftentimes be frustrating, especially when you are trying to make substantive changes to government programs that have gone unchecked for generations. Our founders didn’t want it to be easy to pass laws, though. That’s why they crafted a deliberate system in Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution requiring the House, Senate, and president to act. This week, I’ll do my best to outline how a major bill to reform many of our nation’s housing policies and programs made its way through each step of the process over the last year.