Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Supports Legislation that Slashes Spending Without Job-Killing Tax Increases

When this debate first started, the president requested another blank check to continue spending money without any spending cuts or budget reforms. As the process progressed, the president and his allies focused on raising taxes in order to have more money to spend.

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) issued the following statement today after voting in favor of legislation that will cut and cap out-of-control government spending without raising taxes:

“When this debate first started, the president requested another blank check to continue spending money without any spending cuts or budget reforms.  As the process progressed, the president and his allies focused on raising taxes in order to have more money to spend.  While the final product is far from perfect, we have used our majority in one half of one of the three branches of government to secure an agreement that stays true to our conservative principles: this legislation cuts more spending than it increases the debt ceiling, caps future spending, advances the cause of a Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, and averts a default by the United States -- all without increasing taxes. 

“The debate in Washington has been fundamentally changed from how much can we spend to how much can we cut.  Today is an important step forward on the long road to get our fiscal house in order. I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to cut spending and reform our nation’s budget in order to jumpstart the economy and lift the finanical burden that has been placed on future generations.”
