Press Releases

Seeking Fiscal Restraint on Behalf of Taxpayers, Luetkemeyer Rejects Oppressive Spending Bill

Citing the need for fiscal restraint on behalf of hard-working taxpayers, U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09) today voted against the $410 billion omnibus spending bill, which represents the largest one-year percentage increase in annual appropriated funding since the troubled Carter administration.
Citing the need for fiscal restraint on behalf of hard-working taxpayers, U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09) today voted against the $410 billion omnibus spending bill, which represents the largest one-year percentage increase in annual appropriated funding since the troubled Carter administration.
“Now is the time to start making the tough decisions and begin the process of putting Washington’s fiscal house in order, which is why I rejected this bloated spending bill that wastes taxpayer dollars with little regard for real people and families,” Luetkemeyer said. “I remain willing to work with any member of Congress who is serious about bringing relief to our families with the understanding that if Americans are willing to cut back, then so should Congress.”
The spending bill represents a staggering $32 billion increase, or 8 percent increase, over 2008 spending levels, and shoulders American taxpayers with more out-of-control spending on top of the $789 billion “porkulus” bill rammed through Congress earlier this month.
The omnibus spending bill includes: $545 million for the State Department to fund foreign family planning services including abortions overseas; an additional $50 million on top of the $1.1 billion already approved for “comparative effectiveness” study that lays the groundwork for government rationing of health care; $245 million for “housing counseling” programs for legally-challenged groups like ACORN; $155 million for the National Endowment of the Arts in addition to the $50 million the group received in the so-called stimulus package; and $15 million for Nancy Pelosi’s latest pet project, a new House Office Building.