Press Releases

Luetkemeyer: House Plan Rejected by American People Wrongly Puts Medical Decisions in Government's Hands

Even though the American people spoke loud and clear this past summer against a government takeover of health care, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow liberals in the House have decided to ignore them and instead have chosen to proceed with a bill that puts government bureaucrats in control of health care.
 U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) today issued the following statement to Nancy Pelosi’s liberal legislation to facilitate a takeover of health care by the government:
Even though the American people spoke loud and clear this past summer against a government takeover of health care, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow liberals in the House have decided to ignore them and instead have chosen to proceed with a bill that puts government bureaucrats in control of health care. Speaker Pelosi has tossed the concerns of hard-working Americans aside and is moving forward with a system that would destroy the relationship between individuals and their doctors, ruin our struggling small businesses, and place even more debt upon our children and grandchildren. This kind of arrogance is a slap in the face to those families and businesses who are just trying to makes ends meet. I am also disappointed that our proposals to improve health care without breaking the bank and turning health care over to the government have been ignored, but I remain committed to fighting even harder on behalf of the people in the 9th District of Missouri, who have made it clear that they do not want government interfering in their health care.”