Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Statement: Government Control of Health Care is Unacceptable

We can all agree that health care costs in America are out of control and coverage and care must be made more affordable. I am committed to making sure that any health care reform lowers costs without undermining quality of care.
U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) issued the following statement on the issue of health care currently being debated in Congress and across the country:
“We can all agree that health care costs in America are out of control and coverage and care must be made more affordable. I am committed to making sure that any health care reform lowers costs without undermining quality of care. I will not support any plan that rations care or leaves life-and-death decisions up to government bureaucrats because of my belief in the absolute right of patients to make medical decisions with their doctors. In addition, I will work tirelessly to protect Medicare and Medicaid from being raided by the government to pay for the trillion-dollar takeover of health care currently proposed by Speaker Pelosi.
“In order to lower our health care costs, we must eliminate waste and fraud, crack down on abusive lawsuits that force doctors to practice defensive medicine or go out of business, and better utilize health care information technology. I believe we can make it easier to transfer health benefits from one job to the next. We should also consider requiring health insurers to cover pre-existing conditions and utilize tax credits to ensure that hard-working folks have access to affordable health care.”