Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Votes to Protect Struggling Missouri Families from National Energy Tax

Fighting for Missouri families who are struggling during these tough economic times, U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09) today voted against the disastrous cap-and-trade bill that is nothing more than a national energy tax.
Fighting for Missouri families who are struggling during these tough economic times, U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-09) today voted against the disastrous cap-and-trade bill that is nothing more than a national energy tax. 
“With hard-working families in my district and across the country trying to make ends meet during these tough economic times, this is certainly not the time to be imposing new energy taxes on everything from gasoline to electricity, but that’s exactly what this cap-and-tax bill does,” Luetkemeyer said. “Instead of taxing folks to the breaking point in order to continue this ongoing government spending spree, my colleagues and I chose to support a bold alternative proposal known as the American Energy Act that would provide far more affordable energy for Missouri families, create much-needed jobs, develop nuclear energy and help clean up the environment.”
The cap-and-tax bill will increase taxes, eliminate jobs or drive them offshore and significantly raise energy costs, increasing the cost of gasoline at the pump by up to 77 cents per gallon. Family budgets could see an estimated $3,000 per household tax increase because of the disastrous consequences of the misguided bill. Furthermore, this national energy tax would increase the operational costs of businesses, which hurts small business owners and family farmers and would force many firms to leave this country.  
The cap-and-tax bill is also a job killer. According to a study by the Heritage Foundation, Missouri’s 9th District would lose 2,790 non-farm jobs in 2012, and the average non-farm job loss for 2012 to 2035 is 1,996.  Luetkemeyer believes this is unacceptable.
The American Energy Act supported by Luetkemeyer is centered on domestic production of our natural resources and a renewed commitment to safe and emissions-free nuclear energy. According to the Department of Energy, the safest and most efficient way for utility companies to control carbon emissions is to increase their supply of nuclear energy. The goal of the American Energy Act is to license 100 new nuclear reactors over the next 20 years by streamlining the burdensome regulatory process and ensuring the recycling and safe storage of spent nuclear fuel.
 The American Energy Act also seeks to increase domestic supply by lifting restrictions on the Arctic Coastal Plain, the Outer Continental Shelf and oil shale in the Mountain West.  Revenues generated through domestic production will support innovation in renewable and alternative energy sources, like wind and solar technologies.