Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Co-Sponsors Bill to Repeal Job-Killing Health-Care Law

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) announced that he has co-sponsored legislation that would repeal the job-killing government takeover of health care. Multiple polls suggest that the majority of Americans understand that the health-care law kills jobs, raises taxes, expands government control and increases the cost of health care for every American.

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) announced that he has co-sponsored legislation that would repeal the job-killing government takeover of health care. Multiple polls suggest that the majority of Americans understand that the health-care law kills jobs, raises taxes, expands government control and increases the cost of health care for every American.

The Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act, sponsored by Majority Leader Eric Cantor, would undo the damage created when Democrats used closed-door deals and parliamentarian tricks to pass the 2,801-page, $1.2 trillion health-care bill in March 2010. The repeal bill is expected to come up for a vote on the U.S. House floor on Wednesday, January 12.

 “By forcing this mammoth overhaul on hard-working Americans, Democrats in Congress created a health-care system that increases taxes on small businesses, reduces benefits and choices for seniors and piles insurmountable debt upon our children. Throughout the health-care debate, Republicans offered a more responsible, incremental approach to improve our health-care system, and in a way that controls cost and provides the quality of care that Americans deserve,” Luetkemeyer said. “After the reckless spending binge that the previous Congress had been engaged in the last two years, the bottom line is that the American taxpayers simply cannot afford the health-care law. Unfortunately, Democrats in Congress insisted on moving forward with the $1.2 trillion package.” 

“The American people sent a clear message to Washington that they want the Democrats’ job-killing government takeover of health care to be repealed. House Republicans will fulfill their pledge to voters by bringing a simple, two-page bill to the floor to repeal the job-killing health care law. There is nothing in the bill to amend. You are either for repeal or against it,” Luetkemeyer added. “Moving forward, House Republicans have pledged to reduce costs and make health care accessible for every American by enacting commonsense medical liability reforms, expanding state high-risk pools and allowing individuals to buy health-care coverage outside of the state in which they live. We also have pledged to protect the doctor-patient relationship and to keep the government out of the exam room.”
