Press Releases

With Gas Prices Rising to New Highs, Luetkemeyer Again Supports Mobile Mammography Promotion Act

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) announced today that he is supporting the Mobile Mammography Promotion Act, a bill that would allow mobile mammography units to purchase fuel without the federal excise tax. Luetkemeyer also cosponsored this legislation in the 111th Congress.

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) announced today that he is supporting the Mobile Mammography Promotion Act, a bill that would allow mobile mammography units to purchase fuel without the federal excise tax.  Luetkemeyer also cosponsored this legislation in the 111th Congress.

“One of the best ways to fight breast cancer is with early detection, and these mobile units provide a great service to women in areas that do not have adequate access to health-care services,” Luetkemeyer said. “Breast cancer affects far too many Americans, and this legislation would help mobile units continue their important screening and preventive services.”  

Mobile mammography units -- mammovans -- travel thousands of miles each year to provide mammograms and other services that help prevent and treat the medical challenges facing many women. The Mobile Mammography Promotion Act is modeled after several existing exemptions for blood centers and other entities.  More than 190,000 new cases of breast cancer likely will be diagnosed in America this year.
