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We voted in the House 45 days ago to cut spending and keep the government running for the rest of the year, but instead of working with us, the administration and Senate leadership have been actively rooting for a government shutdown. Even as we work to cut current spending, Republicans are using next year's budget to offer honest solutions to the country's growing debt crisis.

The following is a statement from U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) on  Democratic efforts to force a government shutdown and the new Republican budget plan that will cut $6 trillion and restore fiscal discipline to Washington:

“We voted in the House 45 days ago to cut spending and keep the government running for the rest of the year, but instead of working with us, the administration and Senate leadership have been actively rooting for a government shutdown. Even as we work to cut current spending, Republicans are using next year’s budget to offer honest solutions to the country’s growing debt crisis. The administration has put forward a budget for next year that raises taxes by $1.5 trillion and is silent on our debt crisis, while House Republicans have offered a plan to cut $6.2 trillion that I believe keeps the promise we made to hard-working families to cut spending and reduce our debt. The people back home have made it clear to me they are concerned not just about how much government spends, but how government spends their hard-earned dollars. We have a plan to show American families and small businesses that we’re serious about dealing with out-of-control spending so we can put our country on a path to prosperity.”

If you want to download the House Republican 2012 budget proposal, please visit
