Press Releases

Luetkemeyer, Freshman Colleagues Call for Open Rule on Tax Debate

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer today joined members of his GOP freshman class in a letter to Majority Leader Steny Hoyer urging the Democratic Leadership and Rules Committee to allow for an open rule when Congress debates the issue of impending Democratic tax increases.

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer today joined members of his GOP freshman class in a letter to Majority Leader Steny Hoyer urging the Democratic Leadership and Rules Committee to allow for an open rule when Congress debates the issue of impending Democratic tax increases.

“We freshmen have never been part of a single debate in which the Democrat Leadership and Rules Committee have allowed both sides to put up their best proposals for a fair debate and vote, one in which the House is allowed to work its will and the will of the American people.  We write to you today in the hope that a different approach will be taken in the closing days of this Congress as our institution confronts the critical issue of whether to raise taxes on Americans who are struggling in today's difficult economy,” Luetkemeyer and his colleagues said in the letter.

Unless action is taken this year, on January 1, 2011, the majority party is poised to impose a $3.9 trillion tax hike on all taxpayers, the largest tax increase in U.S. history.

 TEXT of Letter from Luetkemeyer and GOP Freshman Class to Majority Leader Steny Hoyer:

“As members of the House GOP freshman class of the 111th Congress, we've served here alongside you for nearly two years.  During that time the party in control has not allowed a single open rule on a bill.  We freshmen have never been part of a single debate in which the Democrat Leadership and Rules Committee have allowed both sides to put up their best proposals for a fair debate and vote, one in which the House is allowed to work its will and the will of the American people.  We write to you today in the hope that a different approach will be taken in the closing days of this Congress as our institution confronts the critical issue of whether to raise taxes on Americans who are struggling in today's difficult economy.

Yesterday, in a notable departure from the hard line taken by the Obama Administration and Speaker Pelosi, you indicated your willingness to consider supporting legislation that would stop all of the coming tax hikes.  We believe your comments offer a glimmer of hope that the American people will receive the open debate and up-or-down vote they deserve on such legislation on the House floor before Congress adjourns for the fall. 

As a long time defender of the institution of the House, you have the power to rise up against political pressure and let the House work openly and fairly as the Founders intended.  An emerging bipartisan majority in the House agrees with the American people that all the tax hikes must be stopped -- and if we hope to reverse the job-killing uncertainty that is preventing small businesses from creating jobs, stopping all the tax hikes is essential.  We ask for your public support for an open debate and up-or-down vote before Congress adjourns this fall on legislation that will stop all of the coming tax hikes.”
