Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Backs Priorities of the American People in New Pledge to America

After months of hearing from Americans across the country who are tired of being ignored by Washington, U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) today embraced a bold new national governing agenda, A Pledge to America, that puts the immediate priorities of hard-working families first. The governing agenda was the result of suggestions and ideas proposed by the American people through the America Speaking Out website and town hall meetings.

After months of hearing from Americans across the country who are tired of being ignored by Washington, U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) today embraced a bold new national governing agenda, A Pledge to America, that puts the immediate priorities of hard-working families first. The governing agenda was the result of suggestions and ideas proposed by the American people through the America Speaking Out website and town hall meetings.

“American families are tired of their elected representatives ignoring their voices and concerns,” Luetkemeyer said. “This new governing agenda is a result of listening to the people, understanding their concerns and developing a new governing agenda that will begin to reform our government and rebuild the trust between Congress and the folks we are elected to serve.”

The new agenda unveiled by House Republicans today is based on the thousands of suggestions made over the last few months by hard-working Americans via the American Speaking Out website and in town halls. This new agenda is built on solutions that reflect the priorities of the American people -- priorities neglected and even openly mocked by the Majority party in Washington. Luetkemeyer stressed that the agenda is a governing agenda that could be implemented right now if Speaker Nancy Pelosi would allow it. Luetkemeyer and his fellow Republicans will call on Speaker Pelosi to allow for votes on this agenda before Congress adjourns. 

“This is not an election agenda because families struggling to make ends meet deserve a governing agenda that could be implemented right now and that is exactly what we are delivering,” Luetkemeyer said. “It is now time for the Majority in Washington to finally listen to the American people.”

The governing agenda is focused on the top priorities of the American people and reflects the principles of a smaller, more accountable government; economic freedom; lower taxes; fiscal responsibility; protecting life, American values, and the Constitution; and providing for a strong national defense. The heart of the new governing agenda is putting Americans back to work by eliminating the economic uncertainties plaguing small businesses, putting a stop to stimulus spending and reforming the way Congress operates.  

The full agenda, A Pledge to America, can be viewed here     
