Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Memorial Day Statement

We owe much to the patriotic Americans who have worn and are wearing the uniforms of our nation's Armed Forces. Memorial Day is a special day that our country sets aside to remember the bravery and heroic actions of our military men and women.
U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) issued the following statement in recognition of Memorial Day:
“We owe much to the patriotic Americans who have worn and are wearing the uniforms of our nation’s Armed Forces. Memorial Day is a special day that our country sets aside to remember the bravery and heroic actions of our military men and women. Our country has been blessed to have citizens who have selflessly volunteered to defend our nation and freedom. They are the reason why we are the strongest nation on Earth and the reason we stand today with freedom unparalleled across the globe. We also must remember those serving in harm’s way today and the families of these brave folks who are back home, doing the best they can while their loved ones are far away serving our country.”