Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Votes With Americans Who Have Made It Clear: They Don't Want This Plan

For more than a year, the majority of the people who hired me as their representative have made it clear that they don't want the bitter pill known as government-controlled health care forced down their throats, but today those in charge in Washington, D.C., turned their backs on our families by enacting a government takeover of health care.
U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) issued the following statement after voting against the disastrous health care bill that will raise taxes, increase health care costs, add to our national debt and hurt America’s seniors, families and small businesses:
“For more than a year, the majority of the people who hired me as their representative have made it clear that they don’t want the bitter pill known as government-controlled health care forced down their throats, but today those in charge in Washington, D.C., turned their backs on our families by enacting a government takeover of health care.
“I support improving our health care system and have supported commonsense ideas on behalf of those who hired me to serve them, but nothing has changed because this bill still puts government in control of health care, still spends money we don’t have, still raises taxes, and still slashes benefits to the elderly. It is a disgrace that the people’s elected representatives are ignoring the concerns of the majority of Americans who are adamantly against this bill.”