Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Listens to Majority of Missourians, Votes to Repeal Obamacare

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) issued the following statement today after voting on H.R. 6079 which would repeal President Obama’s health-care law in its entirety:

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) issued the following statement today after voting on H.R. 6079 which would repeal President Obama’s health-care law in its entirety:

“Today, I stood with the 71 percent of Missourians who went to the polls two years ago to reject the bitter pill known as Obamacare.  As a  co-sponsor of this legislation, I proudly voted to repeal the health-care law in order to prevent the government from forcing health-care down the throats of hard-working Americans. With the Supreme Court upholding the individual mandate as a tax, this law comes at a cost of $1 trillion in tax increases – the largest tax increase in the history of the United States. While I strongly believe that our families deserve access to high-quality, affordable health coverage, this law does not do that and must be repealed. This law already has raised families’ premiums and will continue to suffocate economic growth and jobs; make damamaging cuts to Medicare; affect seniors’ access to care; and pave the way for federally funded abortions. I cannot help but recall the stories I have heard from small business people who have said that this law has forced them to stop hiring people and in some cases cut jobs. While I continue to hope the Senate will take action on this bill and repeal the law on behalf of the majority of Americans that oppose it, the Senate’s track record suggests continued inaction.  Therefore, I will continue to vote for legislation dismantling this law piece by piece as I have done since I first came to Congress in 2009.”

Luetkemeyer also said he’s heard from a lot of people in the 9th District about the harmful effects of the president’s health-care law including Sheree Grapenthin, a partner with residential concrete paving firm Gold Star Paving of Wentzville.

“Our company is experiencing the largest downturn we’ve ever had in 40 years.  At one time we employed 70 people – now we’re down to 15,” Grapenthin said.  “If things don’t change, a lot of local businesses will be closing their doors.  Obamacare will lead to the downfall of this country.”