
Blaine's Bulletin: Standing Up for the Unborn

The horrific videos of Planned Parenthood that were recently released go beyond the abortion debate – simply, they are inhumane.

The horrific videos of Planned Parenthood that were recently released go beyond the abortion debate – simply, they are inhumane.

In these videos, executives of Planned Parenthood and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) Medical Directors Council describe the dangerous abortion practices that medical professionals within their organizations use to obtain fetal body parts. Those are then sold piece by piece to third party companies who conduct fetal tissue research. In addition, the individuals in these videos give details pertaining to the price that is expected for the sale of specific fetal organs.

Not only is the sale of fetal body parts illegal, the PPFA is potentially using federal dollars to fund these operations. The Government Accountability Office reported that PPFA received $1.2 billion in funding from Medicaid over a three year period; funding that is outside of the Title X grants that Planned Parenthood receives.

No words can describe how I feel about these incredibly troubling videos. I have long championed measures to prevent abuse and completely cut off funding to Title X grants because I firmly believe that all human life is significant and precious and deserves to be treated with the highest dignity and respect. Yet after these shocking videos from the executives of Planned Parenthood, Congress needs to make a stronger stance in standing up for the unborn.

That is why, this week, I cosponsored the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act. This legislation would permanently prohibit federal funding, mandatory and discretionary, for any entity that performs or provides funding to organizations that perform abortions. In addition, I joined colleagues urging House Committees of jurisdiction to promptly investigate the videos and the PPFA.

Please know I will do everything in my power to ensure that your taxpayer dollars that fund Planned Parenthood will be cut off. I will actively monitor the investigations and I will never waver in my support for standing up for the most vulnerable population in our nation.