
Blaine's Bulletin: Recognizing Mother's Day

Life brings many twists, turns, ups and downs to all of us. Many of us have experienced a mother, sister, daughter, or friend who has been diagnosed with, suffered from, and bravely fought against breast cancer. With Mother’s Day approaching, I was again reminded about the importance of women’s health, access to health-care, and the critical need to prevent and cure breast cancer.

Life brings many twists, turns, ups and downs to all of us. Many of us have experienced a mother, sister, daughter, or friend who has been diagnosed with, suffered from, and bravely fought against breast cancer. With Mother’s Day approaching, I was again reminded about the importance of women’s health, access to health-care, and the critical need to prevent and cure breast cancer.

Breast cancer remains the most frequently diagnosed cancer in women with one woman diagnosed with breast cancer every two minutes. In Missouri alone, an estimated 5,030 new cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in 2016.

Those are troubling figures and I firmly believe access to health-care comes into the picture of women in rural areas not going to get mammograms regularly. A mammogram remains the gold standard for the early detection of breast cancer. One mammogram can detect breast cancer before the tumor has grown large enough to be felt or before other symptoms have occurred. When detected in the earliest stages, the cure rate for breast cancer is 97 percent.

In order to open up more access to early detection, I have introduced the Mobile Mammography Promotion Act which would increase access to breast cancer screening by providing relief from the federal fuel excise tax for mammovans. Mammovans are vehicles designed exclusively to provide mobile mammography services that travel to underserved areas across the country. Such relief already exists in the tax code for blood collection vehicles and my bill would simply add vehicles that provide mammography services to the list. It is my sincere hope this bill will move to the House floor so we can continue to provide a needed service to women in rural areas of our country. 

In addition, with Mother’s Day approaching, I wanted to take time and recognize all of the moms across the 3rd District. Moms have the innate ability to nurture, love, and to make everything seem alright.

I know that my wife would simply say she believes the greatest reward is seeing her three children grow up and become successful, loving, and respectful adults. While that is true, each of us should take time to call or visit our mother and acknowledge her on this special day.

None of us know what tomorrow will bring or what unexpected turn may lie ahead, but with access to resources and with the help of family and friends, it makes each of our journeys a little bit easier.