
Blaine's Bulletin: A Better Way to Improve Our Nation's Health-Care

I’ve said it a lot lately, but it’s worth saying again: there is a Better Way. Our country is on the wrong track. I’ve heard it time and time again from constituents all across central and eastern Missouri. Every conversation, meeting, and tour that I have touches on at least one of the areas that the Better Way agenda seeks to solve.

I’ve said it a lot lately, but it’s worth saying again: there is a Better Way. Our country is on the wrong track. I’ve heard it time and time again from constituents all across central and eastern Missouri. Every conversation, meeting, and tour that I have touches on at least one of the areas that the Better Way agenda seeks to solve.

I’m proud to have worked with my colleagues to put this agenda together, because it reflects the values, priorities, and concerns of Missouri’s 3rd District that I listen to each and every day. The plan includes specific proposals that would increase economic opportunity for all Americans, strengthen our national security, fix our broken tax code, scrap Obamacare, rein in the out of control rules and regulations from the executive branch, and defending the Constitution’s checks and balances. For more information on the entire plan, please visit

This week, I’m going to focus on one particular area: health care. As you may have heard, health insurance premiums are slated to rise by double digits next year, because of Obamacare. In some states, the increase will be 25%. Instead of admitting failure, the Administration will again try to prop up this crumbling system with even more subsidies, paid for with our tax dollars. This is unacceptable.

We have a Better Way. First, repeal Obamacare. There are countless reasons why Obamacare is not working and will not work. We must start with a clean slate and from there we can start with a new approach. Our goals are simple: lower costs and more choices. You and your family need a health plan that meets the needs of your lives – not what Washington wants. And regardless of age, medical conditions, income, whatever the case, our plan ensures that you will never be turned away or have your coverage taken away during your most critical time in need.

To accomplish this, we would make support for health coverage portable. That means that if you do not get coverage from an employer or want to take your coverage with you after moving jobs, you could get the same tax benefits as those with employer-sponsored coverage. We also want to expand health savings accounts, so you can choose what’s best for you and your budget. We would also allow the sale of health plans across state lines to make the market more competitive, allow small businesses and individuals to band together and gain purchasing power in the health marketplace, and enact real medical liability reform, since the status quo costs are health care system up to $300 billion per year. 

One other note: as Missourians, we are so fortunate to live in a state that has many universities and private entities working hard towards ground breaking research to improve lives. There are thousands of individuals in our state alone that are dedicated to finding the next cure or treatment or life-saving device. In the Better Way agenda, our plan clears bureaucracy out of the way to accelerate these life-saving treatments.

Remember just a few years ago when Obamacare was passed in the dead of the night? The Better Way plan is a step-by-step approach to give all Americans access to quality and affordable health-care. If you have any questions about the Better Way or would like more information, please do not hesitate to ask. I strongly believe that by getting the government out of our personal decisions and allowing you to decide what is best for you and your family – is the best solution for everyone.