
Blaine's Bulletin: March for Life

“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.” – Thomas Jefferson

We are now at the 44th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. I continue to be deeply saddened by the millions of innocent lives lost to abortion in our country. Each year, I reflect on these individuals and their lost potential; I reflect on the opportunities that were taken from them to live, grow up, and raise families of their own.

What gives me hope, however, are the thousands of Missourians, and millions of Americans, that come to Washington each and every year for the March for Life  to advocate for rights of the unborn. Snow, ice, rain, and cold temperatures will not hold back those who are committed to standing up for the rights of the unborn and the pro-life cause. It was a privilege and honor to welcome back the returning Missourians who make the trip year after year, and to also meet those who have come to our nation’s capital to support the unborn for the first time.

As a result of the recent election, I am confident, more than ever, that we will finally begin to chip away at the harmful policies that threaten the lives of the unborn. In his first few hours in office, President Trump signed an executive order which blocks foreign aid and federal funding for international, nongovernmental organizations that provide or promote abortion services. With the President’s action, he continued President Reagan’s legacy on day one by taking immediate action to stop the promotion of abortion overseas with American taxpayer dollars.

In addition, the House has already passed legislation to take an important step in this worthy fight. I was proud to support the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act. This bill is simple: it prohibits federal taxpayer dollars from being used to support abortions. By permanently codifying the Hyde Amendment,  which has saved over two million lives since first being enacted, this legislation will protect the conscience rights of taxpayers by prohibiting federal funds from being used to pay for elective abortions. Further, this bill will prohibit health-care plans from including elective abortions. This legislation reflects the fact that over two-thirds of the American people believe we should not use tax dollars to pay for abortion, and is a vital component of the Better Way Agenda and President Trump’s pro-life commitment.

By supporting this legislation, and the countless other pro-life bills that have been introduced by my colleagues, we will continue to chip away at the harmful policies that are currently in place.

Lastly, to all of the Missourians that sacrificed their time and energy, thank you for your inspiration and support. My commitment for the 115th Congress is renewed to ensure pro-life legislation not only moves out of the House of Representatives, but makes it to the President’s desk so real change is enacted and the lives of the unborn are no longer under threat.