Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Reintroduces Legislation to End Operation Choke Point

On the opening day of the 116th Congress, Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) has reintroduced the Financial Institution Customer Protection Act. Congressman Luetkemeyer’s legislation will finally put an end to the unconscionable initiative aptly dubbed “Operation Choke Point.” Congressman Luetkemeyer released the following statement:

“Bureaucrats playing partisan politics with the livelihoods of American citizens is an appalling abuse of power, no matter your ideological leanings. For the last five years, I have fought to end Operation Choke Point and root out abuses at federal financial agencies,” said Congressman Luetkemeyer. “My bill is a concrete solution to a bipartisan problem facing legal businessowners across the nation. I hope my House and Senate colleagues will advance this important legislation to ensure regulation is never again borne of personal biases or political motivations.”

For full text of the Financial Institution Customer Protection Act, please click here.

Background: The Financial Institution Customer Protection Act passed the House in the 115th Congress by a vote of 395-2.

115th Congress News:

Luetkemeyer: Appalled by Blatant Intimidation and Bias Employed by Unelected Bureaucrats
Luetkemeyer Doubles Down on Calls to Investigate Operation Choke Point
Luetkemeyer Applauds Efforts, Encourages Further Action to Root Out Abuses
House Passes Luetkemeyer Bill to End Operation Choke Point
