Press Releases

Luetkemeyer on Impeachment: This Wasn’t an Investigation. This Was a Political Crusade.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) released the following statement after voting in opposition of the articles of impeachment of President Donald J. Trump.

“As Speaker Pelosi stated herself, this has been a two-and-a half year process with the sole mission of overturning the 2016 election results. Democrats’ obsession with impeachment has rendered them completely incapable of governing and brought this Congress to a standstill,” said Congressman Luetkemeyer. “House Democrats have spent the last several months staging well-rehearsed hearings where the charges were drawn up by a focus group. Democrat donors served as witnesses and Democrat staff served as judge and jury. This wasn’t an investigation. This was a political crusade. House Democrats have achieved nothing more than a massive political divide in America and long-lasting damage to our democracy.”

Congressman Luetkemeyer's impeachment debate remarks as delivered:

Madam Speaker, I rise today in strong opposition to this political charade that has tormented our country for nearly three years.

If there was ever any doubt that this entire illegitimate investigation is 100 percent politically motivated, earlier this month, Speaker Pelosi actually admitted the impeachment process began two and half years ago.

Let me say that again -- the Speaker of the House said publicly that Democrats have been trying to remove our President from office since the day he got elected simply because it was not the outcome they wanted.

Another of my Democrat colleagues publicly admitted in May that the driving force behind their actions was and I quote, “if we don’t impeach the President, he will get reelected.”

This wasn’t an investigation, Madame Speaker. This was a political crusade.

In order to arrive at their Stalinistic, predetermined conclusion, House Democrats spent the last several months staging well-rehearsed hearings where the charges were drawn up by their own focus groups. Democrat donors served as witnesses and Democrat staff served as judge and jury.

Even with the odds so blatantly stacked against the President, Democrats still came up with absolutely nothing.

A while ago the Speaker spoke of the Pledge of Allegiance. The last phrase of the pledge is “justice for all.” Justice was not something that was afforded of the President in the investigation. He was denied due process – something the Supreme Court said should be afforded in all Congressional investigations. That makes this process illegal and illegitimate.

What a shame. What a sham.

With that, I yield back.