Press Releases

Luetkemeyer on Democrat Wish List

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) released the following statement after voting against House Democrats’ HEROES Act and a resolution to allow proxy voting in Congress.

“While disguised – albeit poorly – as a coronavirus relief package, Speaker Pelosi’s self-titled ‘liberal wish list’ would actually achieve a federal takeover of elections, weakened border security, benefits for illegal immigrants, and anti-work policies that make it more profitable for people to stay home than go to work. The bill also includes a $140,000 a year tax cut for only the wealthiest Americans.

“On top of all that, House Democrats also forced through a rule change allowing them to no longer travel to Washington, DC to pass laws. While the rest of the country is tirelessly trying to get back to work, many of my colleagues just voted to do just the opposite.”