Health care

Luetkemeyer Column- We Can't Afford Obamacare

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It has been three months since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Obamacare decision upholding the requirement that Americans purchase health-care insurance or pay a penalty under Congress’ power to “lay and collect taxes.” From what I’m hearing as I travel around the 9th District, many of you have raised serious concerns about the impact that decision has on Congress’ expansive taxing authority.

Luetkemeyer Column- Health-Care's Impact on Job Creators at Home

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Over the last few weeks, all of us have heard from pundits and politicians about the impact of the president’s health-care plan on our small businesses. While these two groups have made many points, I believe the people back home in Missouri like you provide the best gauge of the impact of government policies.

Luetkemeyer Votes to Repeal Tax Increases in President's Health-Care Law

| Posted in Press Releases

U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-9) today voted in favor of the Health-Care Reduction Cost Act of 2012, which would repeal portions of the president’s health-care law that would increase taxes on hard-working Missourians and hurt much-needed job creation efforts. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the Health-Care Reduction Cost Act of 2012 would decrease the deficit by $6.7 billion over the 2013-2022 period.

Blaine's Bulletin- The Trifecta: Jobs, Spending and Health Care

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It seems that almost everyone I met with during my trips around the district last week had three things on their minds: jobs, spending and health care. I can’t say this fact surprised me and there continues to be a lot of frustration among hard-working Missourians who are willing to do what is necessary at home and at work to improve their quality of life.

Blaine's Bulletin- Legislative Update

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During my past two weeks back home in Missouri, I have been energized by the level of interest folks have shown about the activities in Washington. Your level of engagement is critical to me because it helps me make informed decisions. Many of you also had questions on a variety of issues, so I decided to offer an overview of some of the pieces of legislation working their way through the process.

Blaine's Bulletin- Lawsuit Abuse Reform

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Frivolous lawsuits are one of the leading causes of the skyrocketing health-care costs in our country. Not only do these lawsuits increase your medical costs, they also drive many fine medical professionals out of business. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, 40 percent of medical malpractice suits filed in our country are “without merit.”