
Blaine’s Bulletin – Fairness, Integrity, and Freedom

Whether you're watching baseball with your family, a sunset at the lake, or looking forward to the fireworks on the Fourth of July, we’re reminded of the core values that define America: fairness, integrity, and freedom. All values our government institutions are supposed to uphold to the highest standard. It pains me to say these cherished values are at risk under the current Small Business Administration (SBA) leadership. Like small businesses, you deserve to know the truth. Instead of focusing on helping our entrepreneurs thrive, the SBA is engaging in electioneering tactics to help the Biden re-election campaign rather than serving the American people with integrity and respect.

The SBA’s core mission is to support and empower American small businesses, everything from bakeries to bike shops. Last time I checked, the Biden re-election campaign does not fall into the category of a “Small Business”. The agency is now using its resources to tilt the playing field of our democracy. Under Administrator Guzman, the SBA has become embroiled in controversy and mismanagement. Instead of dedicating time and resources to help struggling small businesses, and straighten out their own homes, SBA employees are being trained to register voters, effectively turning the agency into a partisan tool for political campaigns. This is especially concerning in Michigan, which is a swing state, where they are partnering with the state on registering voters only in highly democratic areas. 

The corruption doesn't stop there, recent reports even reveal politically motivated travel. The misuse of federal resources not only violates the agency’s mission and is illegal, but it erodes the integrity of our electoral process. Our democracy depends on elections free from manipulation and undue influence. Heck, if we were to see this happening in China, Russia, or North Korea, we would want to put it to a stop, wouldn’t we? 

The core of this issue lies in the misuse of taxpayer dollars; something this Administration does very well. By diverting resources to voter registration efforts aligned with President Biden’s re-election campaign, the SBA is misappropriating public funds for political gain, all the while evading accountability for their actions. This egregious overstep underscores a blatant disregard for the American people's trust and the sanctity of public institutions. 

I, along with my colleagues, am committed to continued investigation of the SBA’s misconduct and ensuring that the SBA is stopped in their tracks. We will work tirelessly to restore America’s core values back into the agency and ensure it remains true to its mission. Your voice is crucial in this matter. I encourage you to express your concerns about the SBA’s misuse of taxpayer funds. Together, we can demand accountability and ensure that our public institutions operate with the transparency and integrity that you deserve.

CONTACT US: I encourage you to visit my official website or call my offices in Jefferson City (573-635-7232) or Cottleville (636-327-7055) with your questions and concerns. If you want even greater access to what I am working on, please visit my YouTube siteFacebook page, and keep up-to-date with Twitter and Instagram.
